Marriage and family therapy, also referred to as family systems therapy, couples therapy or family counseling are all types of psychotherapy that help families or couples to nurture, grow or change relationships positively. Although there are many branches of family therapy with different theoretical beliefs, as a general rule they all agree that allowing the […]
Bipolar disorder is a mental illness characterized by episodes of manic highs, followed by periods of depression. Also referred to as manic-depressive disorder, this illness can impact a person’s daily life, making it difficult to complete tasks or participate in activities. There is no cure for bipolar disorder at this time, but there are effective […]
Anxiety and stress are common experiences for most people, but they are temporary conditions which go away when stressful situations conclude. Anxiety disorders on the other hand are serious conditions which last for more than six months. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, anxiety disorders affect nearly 40 million adults in America and […]
Nearly one in 700 children is born with Down syndrome, a condition that causes delays in both intellectual and physical development. It is the most common chromosomal disorder in humans. In a person, there are 46 chromosomes. A person with Down syndrome has 47. Most people with Down syndrome are diagnosed at birth. Distinctive physical […]
When someone goes through a trauma, they can expect to feel scared, uncomfortable or angry afterwards. For most people, these symptoms go away after time. But for some, they relive the event and the associated feelings every day. They may be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Women are more likely than men to develop […]
The science of behavior analysis takes behaviorism as its fundamental tenet. Behaviorism, in turn, presumes that both animal and human behavior is conditioned, or trained. Learning is marked primarily by a change in behavior. This theory could not be more opposed to Freudian Psychoanalysis, which acts on the presumption that learning depends upon understanding, which […]